
Specific Purpose Vehicle through which the Trustors (partners) undertake to combine assets, personal and real estate, and rights in order to implement, develop, build and operate on the American continent investments in:


  • Means of transportation and connectivity between communities or economic centers
  • Real Estate Developments surrounding passenger transfer and logistics centers,
  • The necessary and complementary infrastructure.

Combining at least the following elements:

  • Studies, design and operational concepts.
  • The promotion and contribution in capital, and/or financing of Eligible Projects.
  • Presentation of Unsolicited Proposals or similar.
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  • Conceptualize, design and integrate linear transportation projects in Mexico and LATAM between highly populated communities or with great potential for future growth.
  • Align the interests of the State, Society and Entrepreneurs, seeking social, environmental and economic benefit.
  • Generate connectivity at the regional, state, national and international level.
  • Assist with the authorities in territorial planning and the creation of basic infrastructure, improving the quality of life and services, which become income for localities and municipalities.
  • Generate Economic Development, creating logistics and commercial systems.
  • Diversify risks by generating pre-investment and feasibility studies of eligible projects.
  • Initiate the contracting procedures for the Projects through Unsolicited Proposals or under the figure that best potentializes the benefits for the State, Society and Entrepreneurs.

Specific Purpose Vehicle through which the Trustors (partners) undertake to combine assets and rights in order to conceptualize, design, and integrate investments in the American continent in:


  • Means of transportation and connectivity between communities or economic centers


  • Real Estate Developments surrounding passenger transfer and logistics centers


  • The necessary and complementary infrastructure.
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Ameriko Railways Instructure and Real Estate GmbH
Lichtburgring 22, 13355 Berlin
Dr. Emmanuel Gómez Farías Mata
49 176 32445081
